all postcodes in CA15 / MARYPORT

find any address or company within the CA15 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA15 8AB 8 4 54.714741 -3.502025
CA15 8AE 6 1 54.714599 -3.50205
CA15 8BF 3 2 54.71396 -3.502803
CA15 8AF 53 0 54.713219 -3.503877
CA15 8AG 20 1 54.708849 -3.49895
CA15 8AJ 30 0 54.708525 -3.498287
CA15 8AL 12 0 54.709249 -3.497863
CA15 8AN 5 0 54.709441 -3.497622
CA15 8AP 28 0 54.708515 -3.49765
CA15 8AR 22 0 54.708048 -3.496686
CA15 8AS 9 0 54.70791 -3.496386
CA15 8AT 4 0 54.707752 -3.495946
CA15 8AU 3 0 54.708127 -3.49554
CA15 8AW 34 0 54.708849 -3.496793
CA15 8AX 16 0 54.712359 -3.505103
CA15 8AY 5 4 54.715107 -3.505282
CA15 8AZ 1 1 54.711827 -3.505207
CA15 8BA 12 0 54.707775 -3.494937
CA15 8BB 8 0 54.707915 -3.493825
CA15 8BD 1 1 54.715277 -3.504575